Welcome to the Official Website of the National Historical Machinery Association Inc.
This website has been designed to offer members of the machinery preservation and restoration movement, along with those interested in the heritage of this great land, an access point where they may be able to easily obtain information about the National Historical Machinery Association Inc., and about the role it actively plays in promoting the preservation and restoration of our nation’s past.
It is that time of the year again when we are calling for nominations for the Ian Stewart Award.
For more information go to Ian Stewart Award and get your nominations in.

Message from the President Peter Garnham (Listen to Peter’s message)
I am President of the National Historical Machinery Association. This position is voted on every two years. The NHMA Committee of Management consists of up to two representatives for each state as well as the usual Secretary, Treasurer, and the like. There is a full list of positions and contact details on this website for you to use.
I am married to Kelly and have 4 children and 9 grandchildren.
I am President of Maitland Steam and Antique Machinery Association and have restored, with help from Club members, a 1912 – 14HP Marshall Portable Steam Engine.
Some years ago I stood for the NHMA Committee to make it a bit user-friendlier and encourage enthusiasm into the committee so that our hobby would attract younger members.
I’m aware that many club members join clubs so they can run their own engines and participate in rallies. That is really all they are interested in and I agree with them.
The need is there for a coordinated approach to have this Association take care of the regulatory requirements, such as obtaining proper insurance cover for both volunteer workers and public liability. The insurance companies are very business-like and require supporting policies etc. to make sure we have a coordinated system that protects them and us as much as possible. For instance, the safety standards we review every year to ensure that we are managing ourselves across the country so that our members can enjoy their hobby as they wish.

Contact the NHMA:-
Please direct all of your NHMA enquiries to:
David Toyne, NHMA Secretary, PO Box 2024, IDALIA QLD 4811
M: +61-447-015991 , E: secretary.nhma@gmail.com

We are active on Facebook.
Check our group for latest information and news.
This is a Private Group so that we can eliminate spammers, please ask to join.
EFTPOS Facilities – NHMA has two EFTPOS machines available for clubs to use, free of charge. More information.