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2026 Tractor Convention

NHMA is calling for expressions of interest from clubs (or a group of clubs) to host the 2026 National Tractor Convention.

Your nomination should include:

Which club, or clubs (jointly), would like to host the rally

Where (specifically) you would like to host the rally (for example ONLY, club grounds, local show ground, Lardner Park etc.) or trek (e.g. Riverina district, Adelaide Hills, Mersey Valley)

• Why the venue would be suitable

• Proposed time of year

• Committee members previous experience in event hosting or event management (not necessarily NHMA events, it could be from the corporate world)

• Potential partnerships (not firm but realistic, e.g. local council, major sponsor)

• Why your club or clubs would be the ideal choice

• Accommodation/camping facilities within a logical distance of the proposed event HQ

Nominations should be returned NOW to the Secretary, David Toyne
NHMA Secretary.