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Cobden Vintage Rally

South Western District Restoration Group 73 Grayland Street, Cobden

Impressive rally with 30+ buildings housing a range of interesting items - steam engines, tractors, vintage cars, trucks, old tools, and household memorabilia, plus compounds…

Scoresby Steamfest 2025

National Steam Centre 1200 Ferntree Gully Rd, Scoresby, Vic

There will be much to see and plenty of action. A great day out for all the family. Magnificent mobile steam vehicles, portable steam engines,…


Longford Vintage Tractor Pull

Longford Recreation Reserve Corner of Loch Sport Road and South Gippsland Highway, Longford, Vic

We are looking forward to seeing some of the best Australia has to offer on display, whether it be Aussie owned companies such as McDonald…


Clunes Historic Vehicle Show

Clunes Showground 54 Victoria St, Clunes, Vic

The annual Clunes Historic Vehicle Show is brought to you by the Historic Commercial Vehicle Club of Australia Ballarat branch. The event has something for…

Trundle Back In Time Tractor Pull

Trundle Austral Street, Trundle, NSW

The year’s theme is “Show us ya Tracks” with a special salute to the 100 years of John Deere. Not only do they welcome you…

Korumburra Annual Vintage Rally

Metro Quarry Group Site 5875 South Gippsland Highway, Nyora

Tractor pull Heritage horse displays Harvesting displays Earthmoving displays Historic trades Animal farm Tractor wagon rides Sheep shearing Vintage trucks, tractors and cars Traction engines…


Show & Shine

Esperance Mechanical Restoration Group 138 McLean Road, Esperance, WA

Rev up your engines and cruise to Esperance for the bi-annual Car & Motorbike Show! Co-hosted by Outta The Shed Inc, Esperance Mechanical Restoration Group…


Mount Alexander Vintage Engine Club 28th Annual Rally

Dave Bennett Reserve Muckleford / Walmer Road, Muckleford, Vic

We will have working displays, 150+ year old carousel operating with rides for smaller children, 1930's chaff cutter, static displays of headers and balers, tractors…


Lockington 27th Vintage Rally

Lockington & District Living Heritage Complex Inc 2-10 Market Street, Lockington, Vic

ANZAC weekend will be action packed in Lockington. Our locally restored 100-year-old Ronaldson Tippet will feature along with a 1910 Inter tractor, plus vintage &…
