28TH Yesterday’s Power Rally
Vintage & Classic Tractors, Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Engines & Machinery
Attractions include:
Tractor Pull run under the NHMA guidelines.
Mini Tractor pull for Garden Tractors up to 20hp
Food Stalls and variety Trading Stalls
PS Oscar W Paddle Steamer cruises from Milang Jetty
Free shuttle bus from Oval to Jetty including Railway Museum, and Butter Factory.
Cruises – Departing times on board at Oval for Saturday and Sunday
All Vintage & Classic owners are welcome to register & exhibit
Entry forms available: email secretarymvmc@gmail.com
Further information: contact Secretary – Margaret Ph: 0427 287 411 or President – Gerry Ph: 0408 083 512
Open times: 10am to 4pm Saturday and 10am to 3pm Sunday
Admission: $10 Adults, Children under 12 years free